As the SACSCOC Liaison, Dr. Lorie Johnson oversees the University of North Alabama's reaffirmation process. In addition to preparing the required documents that demonstrate UNA's compliance with the SACSCOC principles of accreditation, Dr. Johnson engages with university stakeholders to increase understanding of accrediting policies and procedures that impact various aspects of the campus.
Dr. Lorie Johnson, SACSCOC Liaison
601 Cramer Way UNA Box 5041
The University of North Alabama is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, masters, education specialist, and doctorate level degrees. Questions about the accreditation of the University of North Alabama may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (
Frequently Asked Questions
- has a mission appropriate to higher education,
- has resources, programs, and services sufficient to accomplish and sustain that mission, and
- maintains clearly specified educational objectives that are consistent with its mission and appropriate to the degrees it offers, and that indicate whether it is successful in achieving its stated objectives. (Principles of Accreditation, p. 1).
As part of the decennial review (2023) the University was required to prepare two major reports. First, UNA conducted a thorough self-evaluation to review its success in meeting each of the specified standards set forth by SACSCOC in the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement. UNA developed narratives and a body of supporting documentation to justify its own assessment related to SACSCOC compliance. The resulting Compliance Certification Report was submitted in September 2022 for review by an Off-Site Peer Review Committee (composed of individuals from other SACSCOC institutions from outside of Alabama). The Off-Site Committee made a preliminary assessment concerning compliance and shared the resulting report with the On-Site Review Committee. UNA responded to their findings with a Focused Report.
At the same time UNA submitted its QEP report (six weeks in advance of the on-site visit), the University also submitted a Focused Report providing additional documentation to answer questions raised by the Off-Site Review Committee.
The On-Site Review Committee deemed the University to be in compliance with all of the required SACSCOC standards and issued no recommendations. In December 2023, SACSCOC reaffirmed UNA’s accreditation. The University will be required to submit a Fifth-Year Interim report, a SACSCOC requirement that documents the impact of the Quality Enhancement Plan and provides evidence of ongoing compliance with accreditation standards.
Additionally, the University submits Substantive Change requests and reports as required to accommodate the institution’s expanding academic programs.
Dr. Lorie Johnson serves as the University’s SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison. UNA’s academic deans and department chairs, in conjunction with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, monitor academic developments and the need for substantive change reporting. Each year the University sends representatives to the annual SACSCOC conference to keep up-to-date with the latest requirements and best practices.
Failure to comply with SACSCOC’s Substantive Change Policy and Procedures, could put the University of North Alabama's accreditation status at risk. An unreported substantive change may trigger a review of UNA's substantive change policy and procedures by the SACSCOC Board of Trustees. Non-compliance could also subject UNA to monitoring, sanction, or removal from membership. Failure to secure approval, if required, of a substantive change involving programs or locations that qualify for Title IV federal funding may place UNA in jeopardy with the U.S. Department of Education; in these instances, sanctions could include loss of future federal funding or reimbursement of past funds related to the unreported substantive change.
As a condition of membership, institutions accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) have responsibility for compliance with the Commission’s substantive change procedures and policy (Comprehensive Standard 3.12). The University of North Alabama is committed to ensuring that the institution meets that standard and all policies embedded therein. The following policies and procedures have been adopted by the institution to provide a framework for monitoring compliance.
For more information about UNA’s SACSCOC accreditation process, contact Dr. Lorie Johnson, UNA SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison, (256-765-4258) or e-mail
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